Maddie and Jessie were joined this week by their producer and fellow MLGA Network podcaster, Ryan aka TechnoAgorist. They caught up with him to discuss his pilgrimage--of sorts--to Florida, the land of the Free-er, and picked his brain about his work with Blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
Listen to TechnoAgorist on Odysee or with your favorite podcatcher.
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Visit TechnoAgorist.com.
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IG @voluntaryvixens.
Twitter @VixensVoluntary.
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Email at voluntaryvixens@gmail.com
Our home w/ the homies at https://mlganetwork.com/
Theme song, "I.D.G.A.F." by Razor Nights used by permission from the artist and friend of the show Diana Death. You can listen to the whole song here or on your favorite streaming service.