The LesbiVixen Kim (@Lesbertarian) joins Jessie and Maddie for some lockdown chatter over a glass (of varying sizes) of wine. We talk about the psychological warfare being waged on us all, and how the mainstream and the public’s religion of backing the Saintly Scientists seems to be nothing but a doomsday cult. We’re here to help keep your sanity in check, YWFOS.
ALSO, YouTube is aggressively taking down any video that contradicts the Cathedral, including the doc-heard round the world (so it seems) about a certain virologist talking about you-know-who. Bitchute is our only chance of free speech, it seems, so big props to our friend @damnedhistory for the active link to the video.
Stunning and Brave: our listener and fellow podcaster, @_theoddmanout on IG, and the recommended episode Maddie referred to: The Odd Man Out: Episode 17 - Cult of Science
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