Jessie and Maddie made it back together -- feelings of cancellation and other stress-related excuses just couldn't keep us apart! In light of #stressawarenessday, we accepted that as a sign that maybe we should talk about stress, anxiety, depression, how to manage our own stress and strife, and take care of ourselves so that we can deal with the other tragedies of life that are outside of our control. We share tips and strategies that we use and that are accessible to everyone - making you saner libertarian in (okay we went over...) 30 minutes a day!
Hat Tip to the legend, Tom Woods. TYFYS!
And our stunning and brave recipient is responsible for helping ME, Maddie, when I needed someone to talk to, professionally: Antony Sammeroff host of the Scottish Liberty Podcast and the Be Yourself and Love It Podcast.
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Twitter @VixensVoluntary
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Email at voluntaryvixens@gmail.com
Our home w/ the homies at https://mlganetwork.com/